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Court Holiday, Monday, February 17th

The Calaveras Superior Court will be closed.

Court Holiday, Wednesday February 12th

The Calaveras Superior Court will be closed.

Request For Excuse Or Deferral Of Jury Service Or For Accommodation


You may postpone or defer your jury service one time for up to sixty (60) days through our automated system by calling (209) 754-6280, online at Online Jury Service, or by email Jury Information E-Mail form.

Deferring jury service is preferred over excusing a prospective juror for a temporary or marginal hardship.


Requests to be excused from jury service must be submitted in writing and be supported with facts specifying the hardship and a statement why the circumstances constituting the hardship cannot be avoided by deferring jury service to another date.

Physician’s Statement

A statement from a physician is required if you are claiming you have a physical or mental disability or impairment, not affecting your competence to act as a juror, that would expose you to undue risk of mental or physical harm and you are under age 70. The physician’s statement must verify the disability or impairment, its probable duration, and the particular reasons for your inability to serve as a juror.

Financial Hardship/Religious Beliefs

Requests for excuse based on financial hardship or religious beliefs must be made to the court during the jury selection process and will not be considered by the Jury Commissioner.

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