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Court Holiday, Monday, February 17th

The Calaveras Superior Court will be closed.

Court Holiday, Wednesday February 12th

The Calaveras Superior Court will be closed.

Name Change Information


Packets are available at the Self-Help Legal Center and the Court Clerk's Service Windows.
You may also obtain forms at the Judicial Council Forms website along with links to helpful information and instructions.

Forms may be used to change one's own name and, under certain circumstances, the names of others (e.g. children under 18 years of age).


The documents must be filed in the Superior Court of the county where the person whose name is to be changed presently lives.


Hearings are scheduled six (6) to seven (7) weeks from the date of filing. These matters are heard on Fridays at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 2.

Information Required on Form

  • Drivers License number,
  • Social Security number, and
  • any AKA names you have used (this applies to adults only), as a background check will be conducted by the courts.
  • the newspaper you are going to publish in.
    • Name Changes must be published for 4 consecutive weeks.
    • In Calaveras County you may publish in the Calaveras Enterprise or The Valley Springs News.

Filing Fee

See the Civil fee schedule

Name Change After Divorce

If you:

  1. are changing your name after a divorce and
  2. were divorced in the State of California, and
  3. did not request your name restored on your judgment,

then you may be able to file an Ex Parte Application for Restoration of Former Name after Entry of Judgment and Order (FL-395). You will need to file it into your divorce case. There is no filing fee; however, certified copies are $40.

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