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Court Holiday, Monday, March 31st

The Calaveras Superior Court will be closed.

Court Reporter Transcripts

Reporter Transcript Order Form

All fields are required. If you fail to provide all information needed, your request will not be processed.

If requesting transcripts for multiple case numbers or by different court reporters, please submit a separate request for each case number.

To expedite your request, please attach a copy of the minute order from each hearing.

One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Your Name
Your Address

The specified reporter will contact you with an estimate of the cost. The transcript will be prepared AFTER the funds are deposited with the reporter.


If more than three (3) hearing dates, please submit a separate request.

Government Code §69954(d):  Any court, party, or person who has purchased a transcript may, without paying a further fee to the reporter, reproduce a copy or portion thereof as an exhibit pursuant to court order or rule, or for internal use, but shall not otherwise provide or sell a copy or copies to any other party or person.

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