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Court Holiday, Monday, March 31st

The Calaveras Superior Court will be closed.

Americans With Disabilities Act Accommodation

Americans With Disabilities Act Accommodation

CRC 1.100 states that "It shall be the policy of the courts of this state to assure that qualified individuals with disabilities have equal and fair access to the judicial system."

If you have business at the Courthouse and require accommodations because of a disability, please contact the Calaveras Superior Court ADA Coordinator at (209) 754-6140. Persons requesting accommodations to attend a court hearing or other proceeding are asked to complete the Judicial Council Form (MC-410). This form can also be obtained from a counter clerk. The Court requires notification in advance in order to provide certain accommodations, such as a sign language interpreter. The request should be filed at least five (5) days prior to the hearing for which the accommodation is requested.

Additional information on Accessibility at the Courthouse is available on line at the California Courts web site.

Disability Accommodations in California Courts

Grievance Procedure

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