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Court Holiday, Monday, March 31st

The Calaveras Superior Court will be closed.

Juror Qualification & Terms Of Service

Juror Qualifications

All persons are eligible and qualified to be prospective trial jurors, except the following:

  1. Persons who are not citizens of the United States
  2. Persons who are less than 18 years of age
  3. Persons who are not domiciles of the State of California as determined under the Elections Code
  4. Persons who are not residents of Calaveras County
  5. Persons who have been convicted of malfeasance in office or a felony, and whose civil rights have not been restored
  6. Persons who are not possessed of sufficient knowledge of the English language
  7. Persons who are serving as grand or trial jurors in any court of this state
  8. Persons who are the subject of conservatorship

If you received a summons for jury service but are not qualified due to one of the above reasons, you must complete the disqualification statement on the jury summons and return it to the clerk prior to your service date.

Term of Service

Pursuant of Rule 2.1002 of the California Rules of Court a person has fulfilled his or her jury service requirement when the person:

  1. Served on a trial until dismissed;
  2. Was assigned to one or more trial departments for jury selection and served through the completion of jury selection or until excused by the jury commissioner;
  3. Attended court but was not assigned to a trial department for selection of a jury before the end of that day;
  4. Served one day on call; or
  5. Served no more than five court days on telephone standby.

Upon completing your service obligation, you should not be called for jury service for one year.

Trials vary in length, but generally last anywhere from one day to two weeks. You will be told how long the trial is expected to last during the jury selection process. Approximately 80% of our prospective jurors complete their service in one day.

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